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About Us.

Advancing Female Leaders in Education (AFLE) is a not-for-profit organisation aspiring to increase the number of women in leadership positions in all Victorian schools. Our members enjoy exclusive access to professional development, mentoring and networking opportunities as well as membership discounts to AFLE conferences and events.

Our Goals.

  1. To achieve gender parity in education leadership

  2. To improve networking opportunities to support women’s pathways to leadership

  3. To build leadership confidence in women

  4. To support the search for knowledge and build a body of research directly related to women's leadership pursuits.

Become a Member.

Become a member of Advancing Female Leaders in Education today and help support the organisation to build leadership confidence in women. As a member, you'll have exclusive access to support, training and events, so you can reach your full potential in education leadership. Join us today and be part of a powerful group of women dedicated to advancing female leadership in all Victorian schools.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events.

Our networking events and professional development opportunities provide female leaders and aspiring leaders with the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, share resources, and develop skills to improve leadership representation in their respective fields of education. Our networking events provide members with the opportunity to learn from each other, network with mentors and peers, and build relationships with other like-minded individuals. Additionally, our online socials platforms provide a space for female leaders to connect and collaborate, furthering our mission of empowering women to reach their potential. Our professional development programs support women to gain industry insights, develop the skills needed to become successful education leaders and gain access to valuable resources to help them reach their goals. Join us at our next event and take advantage of the valuable resources and tools we offer to help you succeed!


The inaugural AFLE Conference 2024 is the perfect opportunity to join a diverse group of female education leaders and gain valuable insight into the latest trends and best practices in the field. Attendees will benefit from keynote speakers, workshops, and interactive sessions designed to spur innovative ideas and create a space for meaningful dialogue. This conference is designed to provide a platform to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and empower each other to take the necessary steps to advance female leadership in our educational communities. This conference is a must-attend event for all female leaders in education.

This event is FREE for members!

AFLE Conference 2024
AFLE Conference 2024
Membership Offer
26 Nov 2024, 9:15 am – 3:15 pm

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© 2023 AFLE

ABN 53 565 975 791

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